They Live Song on Spotify

The 1988 movie 'They Live' directed by John Carpenter, is a sic sci-fi film with vital social commentary and visual prowess about consumerism, capitalism, and conformity.

One could argue that 'They Live' was a precursor to 'The Matrix' in terms of its themes of reality, perception, and control. Both films deal with the idea of a false reality that is controlled by an unseen force and the struggle of the protagonists to uncover the truth and free themselves from that control.

The story follows a drifter named Nada (played by Rowdy Roddy Piper), who discovers a pair of sunglasses that allows him to see the true nature of the world, revealing that aliens are controlling the planet through subliminal messages in advertisements and media, like how Neo can see code and like how I can see stigma how he sees code. Don't believe me? That is your problem, Pope Urban VIII.

Stigmas are so dumb and obvious I am constantly shocked that people don't seem to witness them as I and many others do. NPC argument.

The film's underlying message is that society is being manipulated and controlled by those in power who seek to maintain the status quo and keep people complacent and ignorant of their actual reality.

In today's world, the message of 'They Live' is more relevant than ever, as we see how people in positions of power manipulate and control society for their own benefit.

This noisy lo-fi experimental ballad 'They Live' by artist Brice Frillici captures the essence of these film's themes and messages, with its gritty and visceral sounds of tinnitus serving as a reminder of the insidious forces. On top of melodic keys, droning synth, and sheering feedback guitars. A soft indie vocal delivering the underlying current of stigmata and clever poetics red pill trigger blah having fun with itself.

Don't Resist the Alchemist!


Am I still here

If I'm wearing Raybans?


Am I alone

In the city of skeletons?

They live They live

They live They live

Why's he fighting

So hard to black out?

They live They live

They live They live

I'm still here

If I'm wearing Raybans

Am I alone

In the city of skeletons?

city of skeletons city of skeletons

city of skeletons city of skeletons

I have come

To chew bubblegum.

And kick some ass...

And I'm all out of bubblegum

They live They live

They live They live

In the city of skeletons

City of Skeletons city of skeletons city of skeletons